Kesternich SO2 Humidity Chambers

Kesternich testing simulates acid rain or industrial chemical exposure to evaluate the relative corrosion resistance of the coating, substrate, or part itself. Parts or panels are placed inside a specially designed chamber and are exposed to SO2 and condensation humidity before being evaluated for resistance to corrosion.

A specific volume of SO2 gas, usually 0.2L, 1L or 2L is introduced into the test chamber, the chamber temperature is increased to a predetermined level and the relative humidity is maintained at condensation levels. After a set period, the chamber is vented and the temperature is allowed to decrease to ambient conditions.

Ascott’s Kesternich chamber does not require any human intervention whilst running the tests, its fully automatic design is controlled by a state of the art control system. The Kesternich chamber is designed to meet various gas dosing test standards as listed below and can also be used as a condensation humidity chamber.