USB Retention FixtureUSB Retention Fixture

USB Retention Fixture

USB Retention Fixture

For use with the PosiTest PC. Includes a USB retaining clip,  screwdriver, 3m (10 ft) USB cable, label and instructions.

Ideal for applications where the USB cable will stay connected while taking measurements.

Ref: T01-20626

USB Retention Fixture - Ref: T01-20626


Delivery 3-4 working days

USB Retention Fixture Includes a USB retaining clip, torx head screwdriver, 3m (10 ft) USB cable, label and full instructions of how to use. For use with the PosiTest PC Non-contact Uncured Powder Thickness Gauge - Affordably measures uncured powder coatings using non-contact ultrasonic technology to predict a cured thickness This is ideally suited for applications where the USB cable will stay connected whilst taking measurements.  

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